Park Sin-heung



Park Sin-heung (born 9 November 1968) is a South Korean
field hockey Field hockey is a team sport structured in standard hockey format, in which each team plays with ten outfield players and a goalkeeper. Teams must drive a round hockey ball by hitting it with a hockey stick towards the rival team's shooting ci ...
player. He competed in the men's tournament at the
1996 Summer Olympics The 1996 Summer Olympics (officially the Games of the XXVI Olympiad, also known as Atlanta 1996 and commonly referred to as the Centennial Olympic Games) were an international multi-sport event held from July 19 to August 4, 1996, in Atlanta, ...


External links

* 1968 births Living people South Korean male field hockey players Olympic field hockey players for South Korea Field hockey players at the 1996 Summer Olympics Place of birth missing (living people) Asian Games gold medalists for South Korea Asian Games silver medalists for South Korea Medalists at the 1994 Asian Games Medalists at the 1998 Asian Games Asian Games medalists in field hockey Field hockey players at the 1994 Asian Games Field hockey players at the 1998 Asian Games 1998 Men's Hockey World Cup players {{SouthKorea-fieldhockey-bio-stub